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Received an email from one of the current residents at Southeastern Carolina Crossroads recently. I ask for and received permission to use it.

Quoting “On behalf of the Staff and Residents at Southeastern Carolina Crossroads we say, “Thank You” for your continued support!”

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, he knows those who take refuge in him” — Nahum 1:7

Testimony of a SECC Graduate – Mathew Owens

“I came to Southeastern Carolina Crossroads nearly 60 days ago completely broken, tired and weary. My journey back to Christ has been nothing short of a miracle from God. Like many others, I was raised in a God fearing home, surrounded by a loving and caring family. I’ve attended church my entire life, but I fell away around the time I graduated high school. I began attending parties and drinking because I felt like that’s what I was suppose to be doing at that age. Fast forward a few years, and what started out as partying and “just having a few drinks” had turned into full blown alcoholism and drug addiction. The Lord has blessed me with a beautiful wife and loving kids. I had to lose it all to realize what I had truly been given. My dependency on alcohol and drugs has stripped away everything I ever wanted. I came to Southeastern Carolina Crossroads not knowing what to expect. What I finally realized was that I had to submit to Christ and His way. I had to give Him control of my life instead of trying to do it my way which had led me to the situation I was in. Since I’ve given him control, He has done mighty miracles for me and my family. I have absolute confidence that if I keep submitting to Him and His way, I will continue to be blessed.”

(RGH) The timing of this confession is perfect. As you no doubt know, Southeastern Carolina Crossroads is a work of faith. They have no steady stream of financial support. Churches, businesses and individuals provide support, but more is needed, as the request for services continues to grow.

This Saturday, a Big Event is planned at Elizabethtown Middle School, with proceeds benefiting Southeastern Carolina Crossroads. All are invited to a Gospel Music Concert featuring Brian Free and Assurance, The Lumber River Quartet and Cadron’s Bridge. The program begins at 6 p.m. You may purchase tickets in advance by calling Rev. Kincy Barrow (910-874-1525) or purchase them at the door. Prices are determined by seating, ranging from $10, to $15 and $25. Donations are welcomed, whether you attend of not. In fact, donations are needed … welcomed year round.

Mailing address is Carolina Crossroads Inc., P.O. Box 1371, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 or leave contributions at Bladen Baptist Association office, 108 Mercer Mill Road, Elizabethtown.

Just wanted to share what had been shared with me. I will see you at the concert, and we can meet the residents and staff, as well.

“Focus on where you want to go, not where you currently are.” Unknown

“Heal the heart, don’t hide the pain.” Melanie Koulouris

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.” Unknown

robert g hester

Sonny Jones
Author: Sonny Jones

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