Thoughts While Shaving
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From a distance, appears there is an awful lot of stimulus money available for economic development, and should be more direct stimulus shortly from the state and federal level. No doubt it will be helpful, but at what cost, especially at the federal level, where, unlike state governments, much of it is borrowed, and added to the federal deficit … Sounds like an election may be drawing near.

In all fairness, not all economic stimulus is coming from the feds. In North Carolina, I have been told that the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year includes funds for more fiber and there are still other sources … ex. Golden Leaf. All are welcomed. And, if you think more fiber is not needed, ask parents and students about attempting to do homework from home where there is no fiber.

Have folks ask, what is Golden Leaf? Golden Leaf is the organization designated by state government to receive proceeds from mostly, large tobacco companies who agreed to pay to off-set the loss of the dollars derived from growing tobacco … The board appointed by the legislature and the Governor determines how and where the money is eventually spent … It is very competitive, but mostly used in rural North Carolina for efforts that stimulate growth, including jobs.

Never planned to get that deep in the subject … but much needed assistance to rural America.

Hot enough for you yesterday? … more of the same today…

“There is more potential for economic growth in rural America than at any time in decades.” Tom Vilsack

“A bright future for the nation depends on the health and prosperity of rural America.” Kirsten Gillibrand

“Infrastructure investment is critical to closing the digital divide in our country and bringing high speed Internet access to more rural Americans.” Ajit Pai, Chairman of FCC

robert g hester

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