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Thoughts While ShavingWoke up early, too early this AM, thinking about expressions we no longer use, or tasks we no longer perform, many of the younger generation never heard of. Yep, one of those days.

Remember when there were shoe shine boys (men) at the barbers shop? You could get a ‘spit shine’ for a quarter or half dollar while waiting your ‘turn’ for a haircut?

Remember priming the hand pump and filling a tin tube with water, to be placed where the sun would provide the heat and all the youngsters would take a bath, one at a time? The oldest was usually last, and the water was ‘dingy’ by that time

How about an outdoor toilet, complete with Sears & Roebuck catalog?

Remember when we worked hard all day long, plowing a mule and had to make sure the mule (or horse) was fed before we were? And, that included shucking the corn for the animal and a fresh bucket of water?

Remember when men wore white shoes, well some men? Most real men preferred bib overalls and brogans (not sure of spelling)

Make a purchase at a county store and many times the owner-operator would use the brown paper bag to add up your purchases … and counter checks were available for those who had money in the bank? Sometimes there were attempts to use the checks by some with no money in the bank.

Remember when a local entrepreneur would come through the community, most likely with a mule and wagon, selling ice, fresh fish and maybe vanilla wafers? You could purchase a quarter’s worth of ice, place in in the ground, in saw mill shavings and have a cold glass of ice tea for a few days?

Remember when writing was a required subject in public schools?

Just thinking out loud …

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Elmer Davis

I miss the old days when we were all friends, regardless of political persuasion. unknown

True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.

robert g hester

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