Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI wonder if the ‘framers’ of the constitution were as concerned about their political parties, as appears to be today, or were they anxious to do what was in the best interest of  ‘the new country’?

242 years later, appears political parties are the primary concern.

Elizabethtown’s Annual Sidewalk Sale continues.  Think I would volunteer for inside duty.

90 degree weather remains in the forecast for the next week or so.

Can’t imagine ‘croppin’ tobacco in this type weather, but if you grew up on a farm in the 40s, 50s and 60s, you did, that’s the was it was.  It was the cash crop of the day and ‘all in the family’ were involved in making sure it was ‘taken care of’.

Old tobacco barns are just about a thing of the past.  Occasionally will see one that someone has taken care of, but they are ‘few and far between’.  Occasionally see one that appears to be just holding up vines of some type, most have been torn down or have collapsed.

Drug dealers come in many forms, thank goodness for our lawmen on the ‘front lines’.  Lock’em up and throw the key away.

Be nice to our White Lake visitors, they hopefully have a good time, enjoy the lake, spend money and their sales tax helps pay for our governmental services.  Tourism is a good industry.

After the helicopter crash, the blond pilot was asked what happened.  The reply, “It was getting chilly, so I turned the fan off.”

Clinging on to past and living is like driving forward while watching the rear view mirror….

I forgot my coffee this morning so I’m gonna drive on the rumble strips along the side of the road all the way to work just to be safe.

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