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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) applauded the Administration for requesting that the National Park Service (NPS) provide Swain County with funds to cover all outstanding financial obligations for the North Shore Road settlement as a part of the President’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget proposals, released Monday. The Department of Interior requested $20 million for FY2019. The remaining $15.2 million was identified for FY2020 in the NPS Line Item Construction 5-year Plan.


In the early 1940s the federal government flooded several communities in Swain County to build the Fontana Dam. In 1943, the federal government promised to rebuild the 30-mile North Shore Road that was also flooded. For over six decades the government failed to deliver on that promise and in 2007 agreed to a cash settlement of $52 million. In 2010 the Department of Interior, Swain County, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the State of North Carolina entered into a “Memorandum of Agreement” to “settle any and all claims under the 1943 Agreement” by December 31, 2020.


Last year, Senator Tillis helped secure $4 million that was appropriated to Swain County in 2012 but was never transferred to the county. To date, total repayment equals just $16.8 million, leaving $35.2 million in unpaid debt. Secretary Zinke has ranked the North Shore Road Monetary Settlement as the Department’s number one priority over all construction projects in both FY2019 and FY2020.


“The federal government has a responsibility to fulfill its financial obligations to Swain County,” said Senator Tillis. “This request demonstrates a commitment to make good on the promise to repay Swain County for the damage caused when the federal government flooded its communities. I want to thank Secretary Zinke for making this is a priority in the budget and I look forward to working with the Administration and my colleagues to resolve this issue once and for all.”

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