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WASHINGTON, D.C. – North Carolina Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr expressed disappointment today over Congress’ failure to deliver critical disaster aid to assist North Carolina’s Hurricane Florence recovery efforts.

After Senators Tillis and Burr secured an initial down payment last October to help North Carolina’s long-term recovery efforts, the senators have worked to negotiate in good faith on a new bipartisan disaster relief package to provide additional funding for North Carolina, as well as other states and territories hit by natural disasters.

The disaster relief package supported by Senators Tillis and Burr would provide more federal assistance for North Carolina, including critical agriculture disaster relief for North Carolina farmers, development grants for rural communities impacted by Hurricane Florence, restoration of highways and other critical infrastructure damaged, and hundreds of millions of dollars to help Camp Lejeune recover from flooding damage.

Unfortunately, after a general consensus was reached for the bulk of the disaster relief package, negotiations have stalled over partisan disagreements regarding the funding levels for Puerto Rico.

“Since before Hurricane Florence made landfall in North Carolina, I’ve been working with my colleagues on a bipartisan basis to secure federal relief to help our communities recover from the historic flooding damage,” said Senator Thom Tillis. “While we were successful in providing an initial down payment for North Carolina, many families, farmers, and our military communities still need more federal assistance and time is of the essence. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer needs to stop the partisan political posturing so we can reach a deal. North Carolinians have already waited long enough for the federal resources they need to recover and rebuild.”

“I am deeply disappointed that Senate Democrats are choosing to prevent us from passing much-needed disaster relief,” said Senator Richard Burr. “It has been six months since Hurricane Florence hit the Carolinas, inflicting catastrophic damage and flooding. Too many families are still waiting on help to rebuild their homes, small businesses are working overtime to meet another tourist season, and our military bases are in desperate need of repairs to maintain readiness. These delay tactics have to end, and the Senate must take up the disaster relief bill immediately upon its return.”

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