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“I think we can get a deal with Democrats and Republicans who are willing to recognize we need to solve the problem facing the DACA population and secure the border.”

Sen. Thom Tillis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) appeared on Fox News Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to talk about reaching a deal to secure our borders and provide a solution for the DACA population.

Watch the video here.

On shutdown threats from Democrats over DACA:

“Democrats, who have pushed the DREAM Act for 16 years and couldn’t produce an outcome when President Obama was in office and they had supermajorities, need to recognize that if they are sincere about solving this problem they need to check their extreme positions at the door and solve this problem.”


On including border security on any deal for the DACA population:

“When then-Senators Obama and Clinton were in the Senate, they voted for strong border security measures. Let’s stop making this a polarizing issue and recognize it is foundational to providing certainty to the DACA population.”


On why we need to secure our borders:

“There is a compelling, humanitarian reason for securing the border. Thousands of people have died trying to cross the border and hundreds of thousands of people have been poisoned by drugs coming across the border. We need to secure it for humanitarian reasons just as we are trying to find a humanitarian, compassionate solution for the DACA population.”


On the need to reach a deal:

“We need to solve this problem. Let’s box out the extremes who seem to not want to solve the problem for political reasons. Instead of the saber-rattling, let’s get in a room and figure out reasonable, sound policy for securing the border, helping the DACA population, getting to 60 votes, and solving this problem for the first time in two decades.”

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