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Sen. Thom Tillis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) applauded President Trump’s declaration of the opioid epidemic as a public health emergency. Senator Tillis also announced he is co-sponsoring theProtecting Jessie Grubb’s Legacy Act (Legacy Act), bipartisan legislation to help treat addiction and save lives by ensuring that healthcare providers have access to the full scope of their patient’s medical history and are able to provide appropriate care.

The bipartisan legislation, introduced by Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), will improve health care coordination and reduce the risk of overdose death for people with substance use disorders by allowing their treatment records to be safely and privately shared among healthcare providers.

Senator Tillis said in response:

“Too many families in North Carolina know from personal experience that addiction is a vicious and devastating cycle of abuse and despair that takes away promising lives. Opioid addiction doesn’t discriminate against one’s gender, race, or socio-economic status, and it has had a crippling impact on North Carolina’s rural, urban, and suburban communities.

“President Trump has taken a strong stand by declaring the epidemic a medical emergency that requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. This is a massive, bipartisan effort that requires working together, especially when it comes to improving coordination between the federal, state and local governments. And while the government has a significant role to play, it is only one piece of the puzzle as we also look to our health care providers, law enforcement, and communities in helping with an effective response.

“Today, I’m proud to co-sponsor bipartisan legislation that will help that effort by providing medical professionals with better information to assist patients battling addiction, an important tool that will hopefully save lives.”

Author: bladenonline

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