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Sen. Thom Tillis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) issued a video response to President Trump’s State of the Union Address and the ambitious legislative agenda he laid out.

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

Tillis on the President’s call to pass immigration reform:

“I was encouraged to hear President Trump speak about immigration and challenging Congress to fix a problem that has existed for decades.

“The White House released an immigration framework last week, and I believe it is a reasonable proposal.  The framework offers solutions supported by both parties and the American people.  Securing our borders, providing long-term certainty for DACA-eligible youth, and transforming our legal immigration system.

“Last year, I introduced the SUCCEED Act, a fair, merit-based solution that allows the DACA-eligible population to earn and keep legal status as long as they work hard, get an education, give back to society, pay their taxes, and follow the law.

“Since I introduced the SUCCEED Act I’ve been working with Republican and Democrat Senators to produce a solution that encompasses border security and a long-term solution for the DACA-eligible population.  Under the President’s leadership, I believe we are getting closer every day to reaching a deal.

“It is time for Congress to take up the President’s challenge.  We must come together in a bipartisan fashion and finally pass a responsible and compassionate bill.”

Tillis on the economic progress over the past year:

“Under President Trump’s leadership, we have made great progress in realizing the economic potential of the United States. Sweeping regulatory reform has eliminated job-killing regulatory burdens and tax cuts have provided relief to working families and businesses.

“The tax cut will leave more of your hard-earned money in your pocket, not the government’s. By doubling the standard deduction and lowering the tax brackets, American families will get the tax relief they have long waited for.

“During President Trump’s first year in office, Americans are getting back to work and the economy is on the rise.  Unemployment is at a 17-year low, with nearly two million jobs created.  The stock market is up 36%, and consumer confidence remains at historically high levels.

“American families are once again on track to realizing our economic potential and American companies are globally competitive again. Over the past month, businesses have announced bonuses and pay increases for millions of Americans and they plan to invest billions of dollars in the American economy.

“Although some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are downplaying these effects, these announcements were not a coincidence: they were a direct result of the President’s leadership and Congress’s actions.”

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