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Law Enforcement will be participating in Booze It & Lose It Campaign this weekend.  Bladenboro Police Chief, William Howell, offered some advice to help with communication.
The tips listed below will help ensure that the interaction is polite, courteous, and professional, according to Chief Howell.

1)The golden rule. Do unto others as you would have done to you. Police officers are always expected to remain calm and professional to the public they serve. However, everyone likes to be respected and a police officer is no different. The public should expect professional interactions with the police who may be firm but always fair. Many issues and interactions can be simplified when both parties show mutual respect to each other.

2)Arguments are for court. Always remember the correct setting for disputing criminal charges is in the courtroom and not beside the highway or at a service call. Remember if you are placed under arrest you are required to follow all legal directions of the arresting officer. Compliance with lawful orders is very important so these situations do not escalate.

3)Filing a complaint the correct way. If you feel you have been treated unfairly during an interaction, you may make contact with the Chief and file a formal written complaint. This should be done as soon as possible after the incident has occurred.

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