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UPLIFT, a program design to boost tourism in Bladen County and other rural North Carolina communities, has planned a meeting Jan. 18 at the Powell-Melvin Agriculture Center in Elizabethtown.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p.m. The center is located at 450 Smith Circle.

The goal of UPLIFT is to boost tourism to rural and under-resourced North Carolina communities. UPLIFT works regionally – across county borders – to support local leadership in their vision for their community’s natural, recreational, cultural, agricultural, culinary, built and other tourism assets.

The UPLIFT program is supported by the American Rescue Plan Act and represents one project of several designed to address the impact from COVID-19 on the hospitality, tourism, and outdoor recreation industries. The program works with the N.C. Department of Commerce’s Rural Economic Development Division, the N.C. Pandemic Recovery Office, the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, and the N.C. Restaurant and Lodging Association.

For information, contact Jesa Valle at jvalle@nature-tourism.com or 984-272-9776. The program’s web site is at www.UPLIFTtourism.com.

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