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by Joy Warren
In order to provide administration and oversight for stewardship actions related to White Lake and to provide technical assistance with lake monitoring and outreach activities, the Town of White Lake Board of Commissioners approved a full-time part-time position for a Lake Stewardship Officer.  The position came as a follow up from the Strategic Planning Workshop and the Lake Water Management Plan.  The employee will perform technical work to monitor lake levels, aquatic vegetation and other factors affecting water quality.  Education and outreach about Hydrilla, development of a boat inspection prorgram, and initiating a program to voluntarily eliminate the use of law fertilizers will be the focus of the stewardship.
Mayor Womble shared Dr. Diane Lauritsen’s monthly report regarding Lake Water Management.  Dr. Lauritsen indicated that more frequent sampling is being done with the stormwater project.  Rainfall samples are also being collected and tested.  The pH of the water has dropped to 6.5 .  Monthly aquatic vegetation sampling will be done this summer by NCSU and DWR Aquatic Weed Program.  As of the end of February, the lake elevation was 64.85 feet above sea level.
As a part of Phase II of the Multi-Use Path Project PARTF grant application, a public hearing was conducted during the meeting.  Eddie Madden, Project Manager gave an overview to explain the scope of the project. Madden reported good public interest in the project through the completion of 200 individual surveys. He expects that the survey work will be completed by next week.  Hopefully, the Town will know by the end of May regarding the awarding of the PARTF Grant.  Hope Campbell,  resident and business owner, spoke of the positives that have been realized through the completion of Phase I of the Multi-Use path. “The path is not only an aesthetically pleasing part of White Lake, but also one that is providing great health benefits to all those who are using the path daily,” stated Mrs. Campbell.
In administrative matters, the Board awarded Phase I Sanitary Sewer System Improvement contract bids to Temple Grading and Construction, Inc ($1,565,470.74) and Combs Technologies, Inc ($159,983.33); approved Utility Releases ($328.56), Tax Releases ($99.52); renewed Aclara Premier Maintencance Agreement; approved Wastewater Treatment Plant Process Safety Management Policy update; approved resolutions to amend Town Personnel Policy; increased State Reserve Project Loan and adopted 2 budget ordinance amendments.
Two White Lake “Lake” Water Cleanup Days were approved by the Board.  Citizens are encouraged to participate in cleaning up the Lake on Saturday, May 9th and Saturday, September 12th.
Mayor Womble announced that the Wastewater System Asset Inventory and Assessment Grant application was approved.  The total grant amount will be $150,000 with a required match of 20% and a 1.5% grant fee to LRCOG.
The 42nd White Lake Water Festival will be held May 15-16, 2020.  The parade will be held Saturday, May 16th at 10:00 a.m.
The Board adjourned tonight’s meeting to Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of holding the FY 2020/21 Budget Retreat.

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