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The Bladen County Health Department reports two additional positive cases of COVID-19 for Bladen County residents. Both individuals are isolating at home, in stable condition, according to Dr. Teresa Duncan, Bladen County Health and Human Services Director. 

One individual was released from the hospital and is isolating at home.

The Bladen County residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 now total 23. Four (4) of the total number have recovered from the virus, according to Duncan. One is currently hospitalized and 18 are isolating at home.

To respect privacy and comply with federal law, more specific information is not available, according to Dr. Duncan. 

Bladen cases have been linked to social gatherings, worksite, travel, and community-acquired (unknown source). Bladen County residents are vulnerable to getting or spreading the virus, therefore, healthcare officials urge residents to practice social distancing and wearing face-covering when out in public.

 Secretary Cohen discussed data to move North Carolina into Phase I because trends indicate optimism in the ability to release some restrictions after May 8. Watch the full report at:  https://www.unctv.org/watch/live-stream/eoc/

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services are continuing to work on the release of zip codes (with population of at least 500) where positive cases are located. 

COVID-19 (coronavirus) symptoms most prevalent are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The CDC identified new symptoms for the coronavirus. Some of the new symptoms are chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, and a loss of taste. 

Currently, there is no vaccine for the virus, according to health officials. 

The one proven most effective way to reduce transmission of COVID-19 is social distancing.  

If you believe that you may have COVID-19, please call your health care provider, or the Health Department call center: 910-872-6291. The center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, until further notice. Individuals may also call 2-1-1. This NCDHHS call center is available 24/7, in English and Spanish.

Author: bladenonline

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