UPLIFT NC, a prominent organization dedicated to supporting rural communities, recently hosted a Rural Tourism Summit to honor the Year of Local Community Alliances. This significant event brought together more than 50 attendees on Friday, November 3, at the prestigious McKimmon Center at NC State University. Among the participants were distinguished figures, including Destination Marketing Organizations (DLOs), tourism practitioners, representatives from Visit NC, leaders of visitors centers, UPLIFT team members, and media professionals.
The summit encompassed a series of enlightening sessions, each designed to empower local communities in the realm of tourism. Topics covered included strategies for involving communities in technical assistance programs, the exchange of best practices in Tourism Initiatives, and a captivating keynote presentation by Wildlife Biologist Delphin Ruche on the concept of Regenerative Tourism.
In addition to these enlightening discussions, the summit served as a platform for unveiling UPLIFT NC’s upcoming webinars and workshops, as well as providing insight into the organization’s ambitious plans for 2024. This forward-looking perspective revealed a commitment to continue supporting and uplifting rural communities in the coming years.
One of the standout moments of the summit was an impromptu podcast session, where several attendees enthusiastically shared the rich tapestry of events, festivals, and local experiences in their respective regions. This spontaneous and collaborative effort showcased the vibrant diversity of rural tourism opportunities and demonstrated the power of partnerships in fostering the growth of local communities.
In summary, the UPLIFT NC Rural Tourism Summit was a resounding success, bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders and facilitating valuable discussions and connections. It celebrated the Year of Local Community Alliances and set the stage for future collaborative efforts aimed at revitalizing and promoting rural tourism across North Carolina.