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By Joy Warren

During White Lake’s Tuesday evening Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board heard two petitions for voluntary annexation filed by Kenneth and Sky Moore and Alexis Boykin and Joseph Bowman. Both properties are in Waterford Estates. The Board directed the Town Clerk to investigate both petitions and fix the date of public hearing for both petitioners. The public hearings are scheduled for March 8 at 7 p.m.

Sean Martin, Town Administrator, presented his monthly report to the Board. Staff met with members of NC Department of Natural Resources, Cultural Resources and NC State Parks to discuss lake management. Staff outlined details involving future plans internally for lake matters, as well as the upcoming strategic planning process that was approved by the Board at last month’s meeting.

Two grant applications were on the agenda. One application is to the USDA through their RBDG program to fund a master plan ($100,000). The other grant application is to GoldenLEAF to fund stormwater infrastructure ($250,000). Both applications were endorsed by the Board.

Bryon Scott

Bryon Scott with Thompson, Price, Scott & Adams presented the FY 2021 Audit. The Board accepted the audit contingent upon approval by the NC Local Government Commission.

In other administrative matters, the Board approved utility releases ($167.90), tax releases ($403.98), tax refunds ($41.58); approved the 2021 uncollected tax liens posting and advertising; approved fire department request to participate in the 2022 OSFM Grant Cycle ($46,700 50/50 match); and approved financing proposal with First Bank for 2022 AWD Police Explorer.

The monthly Water Quality report for the Lake discussed the external nutrient sources for lake water – consisting of atmospheric deposition, waterfowl and other wildlife/pet waste, lawn fertilizer, agricultural runoff, stormwater runoff, and wastewater collection system issues. The full report can be found at https://whitelakewatch.com.

After going into closed session and reconvening, Mayor Goldston Womble announced the appointment of Patricia Taylor (pictured, above) as the new Town Clerk. Taylor has worked for the Town for the past fourteen years. Womble spoke of her dedication to the Town and spoke of the good working atmosphere with all the staff.

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