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A Simple Chair

by Danna Martínez

“A seat with a backrest for one person, usually with four legs and sometimes with two arms.” Really, how important can a chair be in our lives? More than we think.

The word chair comes from the Latin sedere. The word translation process had several changes. From the word sedere, the word sedula originated. This, in turn, gave way to the phrase sedla and then seal. Finally, and after multiple variations, we use the word chair today.

The beginnings of the chair are believed to have taken place in Ancient Egypt around 2680 BC. C. C. It was they who invented a seat with four legs and a back- a simple chair. This theory is based on the discovery of the first chair records. Scientists found these records in paintings carved in Egyptian tombs. On the other hand, the oldest representation found of the chair is a Greek sculpture from 3,000 BC. C.

Over time and from Ancient Egypt, the chairs spread to the Greeks and Romans. Consequently, they reached the western world. Like today, chairs were helpful in the past. The chair is believed to have been first used by the leaders or chiefs of ancient civilizations and communities. The person sitting on a higher level demonstrated power to others. It was the chiefs who sat on rocks or trees while the others sat on the ground.

However, the chair did not come alone. As we know, the first chair and the first table were on the floor. Over time, people sought something more suitable and particular to use as a seat for objects and people. After several characterizations, the table and chair were created.

Years later, chairs were a trend in the Middle Ages. The nobility, royalty, and, back then, the church demonstrated their “status” and power by being a head above all others. Usually, the king sat on the throne while the commoners were standing or sitting on the ground. Some examples of royal ornamental works (chairs) are still preserved in museums.

The invention of the chair revolutionized the way many people went about their daily activities. Nevertheless, many places prefer to sit on the ground, either squatting or on heels.

A chair is made up of:

  • The backrest: The part that supports the back.
  • Headrest: The top of a chair that supports the head.
  • Armrests: Part attached to the chair that supports the arms.
  • Legs: Bases of the chair.

Depending on the style of the chair, its composition and manufacture varies. These are some of the most common types of chairs:

  • Classic chair.
  • Queen’s chair.
  • Folding chair.
  • Folding chair.
  • Shovel chair.
  • Wheelchair.
  • Office chair.
  • Reclining chair.

Today, people see chairs as an opportunity to promote comfort, good posture, and body language. The influence of a good chair can fall on different factors—for example, performance, comfort, support, and rest. Furthermore, human beings find use in a chair in the simplest way. We use the chairs as tables, stools, accessories, games, and even as a closet.

The amount of time we spend in a chair is enormous. As well as the importance it has had in history. We use chairs to rest, work, eat, talk, listen, and wait. And not only that, a chair can provide comfort, improve or hinder human processes and even represent power.

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