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By Danna Martínez

Social coexistence is a human need. It is necessary to establish rules and norms of behavior to achieve coexistence between communities. Citizenship is the faculty that allows us to appropriate the models of coexistent thinking about collective well-being.

The term civic comes from the Latin words civis and civitas. Both words, civis, and civitas refer to the citizen body. However, civics refers to the set of rules that govern a society and make its coexistence possible. Some terms similar to civics are urbanity, politeness, and courtesy. The word civics was coined around 1789 in devotion to the French Revolution.

Citizenship corresponds to the virtues and civic sentiment. One of the solid foundations of civility is respect. Civic respect consists of respecting others and their limits; moreover, respecting our natural and public environment.

Citizenship is an essential element in the functioning of society. Civic behavior begins with doing small tasks such as not throwing garbage on the ground, exercising rights, being courteous, and promoting education. The norms currently established for better development and social coexistence have been formed from history. The product of civility has enshrined the values of dignity, freedom, justice, equality, tolerance, and solidarity over the years.

Strengthening civic responsibilities makes society prone to resolving conflicts more merely. Corresponding to the rules of coexistence between citizens brings different types of benefits. Citizenship allows the correct exercise of rights and social advancement. In the same way, learning to live in society helps us to function in different social areas.

Norms exist for social existence. Consequently, preserving civic standards will keep coexistence.

Citizenship strengthens the civic values that society improves with the passage of new generations. Citizenship, simply put, is the art of being a good citizen.

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