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By Danna Martínez

The dolphin is a mammal that inhabits the waters around the world. An average dolphin is around 2.5m tall, has a grayish color, and is smooth. In addition to their most famous facial feature, the smile, dolphins have an extensive list of quirks and curiosities.

Here are a Top 10 of the biggest curiosities about dolphins:

  1. When dolphins rest, only one hemisphere of their brain goes to rest. While one hemisphere sleeps, the remaining hemisphere of the dolphin brain is conscious.
  2. Baby dolphins are called calves.
  3. Dolphins cannot stay underwater for long periods. Depending on the species, dolphins can last from 1 to 10 minutes underwater.
  4. Dolphins are carnivorous; their regular diet is based on fish and squid. Furthermore, dolphins can eat a third of their body weight in a single day.
  5. According to NatGeo, “The largest dolphin, the orca, can grow to be over 30 feet long. The smallest, the Maui dolphin, is just five feet long.”
  6. Athletes use the word dolphin to refer to a style of swimming. In the dolphin’s swimming style, the swimmers advance by the effect of the undulation of the body.
  7. World Dolphin Day is celebrated in conjunction with Whale Day. World Dolphin Day is July 23.
  8. Naturally, dolphins are excellent swimmers. Studies have even recorded dolphin speeds of more than 30 km per hour.
  9. According to World Wildlife Organization, “It joins the ranks of the shark and the sea turtle as some of the oldest creatures on Earth.”
  10. Dolphins breathe through their lungs despite being aquatic creatures.

Among those already mentioned and many other characteristics, dolphins are one of the most contemplated marine animals. These creatures have dazzled the scientific community with their intellectual and empathic abilities.

Indeed, some scientists have believed in the possibility that dolphins have developed their own language. Indeed, they have different methods of communication and location. Among some communication methods, dolphins use screeching, grunting, chirping, tapping, signaling, and dancing.

There are currently 43 species of dolphins in the world, including marine (38) and river (5) species. Dolphin habitats are tropical, subtropical, and warm-temperate waters. The color of the dolphins varies according to the species. The dolphin color scale is gray, blue, and white.

The dolphin is one of the most intelligent animals in the world. In addition, these aquatic creatures are fast, fun and according to multiple testimonies, they are also natural rescuers.

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