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Yia Yia’s Gifts on Broad Street was presented with the Town of Elizabethtown Facade Grant today. Facade Grants are matching funds for business owners to replace awning signs and make exterior improvements.  Mayor Sylvia Campbell presented Christina Boussias, Yia Yia’s Gifts Owner, with the grant.  

Yai Yai receives grant in Elizabethtown

Pictured are store owner, Christina Boussias, Elizabethtown Mayor Sylvia Campbell, Town of Elizabethtown Board Members, Dickie Glenn, and Ricky Leinwands, Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber Board Members, Brittany Woodell and Charlotte Smith.

Fisher’s Mens Shop & The Ladies Shop received the grant as well for their exterior improvements in 2014. The grant has assisted many business owners in Elizabethtown with improvements. Toddlers and Teens, US Cellular, Christian Book Store, Sunny Wigs Fashion, Kinlaw Furniture, Corner Café, have all been recipients of the Facade Grant.

Fishers receives grant from Elizabethtown

Elizabethtown Mayor Syliva Campbell photoed giving, Karen Suggs with Fisher’s Mens Shop and The Ladies Shop, the Facade Grant, along with Town Manager, Eddie Madded, Town of Elizabethtown Board Members Dickie Glenn and Ricky Leinwands and Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce Board member Charlotte Smith.

Anyone starting anew business or has an existing business may be eligible for the grant. The grant gives matching funds to business owners for exterior improvement expenses up to $2,000. The Town of Elizabethtown Manager Eddie Madden said, “We provide business owners with an application for the grant.” For more information about the Façade Grant contact the Town of Elizabethtown.

Author: bladenonline

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