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Photos from the East Bladen prom are plentiful, mostly on Facebook and very good.

Loretta Lynn celebrated birthday #86 recently. She was born in Butcher Hollow, Ky., on April 14, 1932. Her country hits included “‘Coal Miner’s Daughter”, “You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take My Man”, “Don’t Come Home A Drinking With Lovin’ on Your Mind”, and “One’s on the Way”. She was a favorite of many, including the late Willard Tatum of Elizabethtown. I was a DJ on WBLA, humpteen years ago, early in the AM, would receive a call from Mr. Willard wanting to hear a Loretta Lynn tune.

Mother nature has dressed up the bare trees with a nice green coat. Love this time of the year, when the trees turn green, and farmers are turning over the soil. Won’t be long now before a new crop begins to peak thru.

The Syrian and Russian leader must have no heart, if they are indeed responsible for the gassing of their own. And if they continue, all the free nations will hopefully join the US, Britain and France and deal more harshly with the atrocities.

The drowning and search for the young man from Fayetteville at Singletary Lake did not end as all had hoped for. About the only good thing about it is it can bring closure for his family, albeit a heartbreaker for all. Thanks to the volunteers for their search and recovery efforts.

Most sports fans know Brian Davis as a very good sportscaster. He was suspended for 1 game recently after describing a play by Russell Westbrook, a very good NBA player, “He must be out of ‘his cotton pickin’ mind'”. My guess is, we all know what he meant, but how many of us have used the phrase over the years, nothing related to picking cotton, maybe ‘bonehead play’ or some other term would have been better. I spent several of my younger years picking cotton, and later broadcast sporting events, never associated the two, but no doubt used the term. Davis and Westbrook are both African-American and picking cotton is associated with the labor intensive, back breaking job associated with minorities in days gone by. Another slang term, used by many for years, is under attack by social do-gooders. Farmers in my early days used humans, like me (white), to do the job, now fully mechanized. Oh well, we can deal with it. Still think Davis should not be penalized by most likely ‘city slickers’ for using the term.

There’s three things men always talk about – women, sports and cars. Mario Lopez

Football is football and talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference. Robert Griffin III

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. Michael Jordan

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