
American Conservative Union Foundation logo (PRNewsFoto/American Conservative Union)

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Alexandria, VA – The American Conservative Union Foundation has just released its 47th Edition of its Annual Ratings of Congress. The guide ranks members of Congress based upon their commitment to conservative principles as demonstrated by their voting records in the first session of the 115th Congress. This session marks the first time in over a decade that Republicans control both chambers of the legislature and the presidency.

“In the 2017 session, we saw Republicans come together to pass the most important corporate tax reform in decades, confirm a true conservative in Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, and repeal the Obamacare individual mandate,” said ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp. “But conservatives must not rest on their laurels. This is not the time for four corners defense. Congress must pass a rescissions bill to eliminate wasteful spending in the omnibus and finally confirm highly qualified presidential nominees to critical positions.”

This year eleven members of the North Carolina congressional delegation received awards from ACUF for earning scores of 80% or higher:

·      Rep. Meadows – 100%

·      Rep. Budd – 100%

·      Rep. Pittenger – 96% 

·      Rep. Hudson – 96%

·      Rep. Walker – 96%

·      Rep. Holding – 96%

·      Rep. Foxx – 93%

·      Rep. McHenry – 93%

·      Rep. Rouzer – 93%

·      Sen. Tillis – 83%

·      Sen. Burr – 80%

Rep. Jones (R) earned a score of 41%. All Democratic members of the North Carolina congressional delegation scored under 10%, qualifying them for ACUF’s “Coalition of the Radical Left”: Reps. Price (4%), Adams (0%), and Butterfield (0%).

This session’s scorecard is made up of 25 bills in the US House of Representatives and 21 bills in the US Senate. The bills selected cover a wide range of issues including fiscal and economic, social and cultural, and national security, and are designed to reflect how an individual views the role of government in an individual’s life.

This year some of the key issues ACU Foundation scored include:

·         confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

·         repeal of Obamacare

·         passage of comprehensive tax reform

·         defunding of Planned Parenthood

·         repeal of Dodd-Frank

·         and key presidential nominations to cabinet positions.

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