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WASHINGTON – Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) has introduced the “Make Sanctuary Cities Pay for the Wall Act” (H.R. 5663). This legislation defunds “sanctuary jurisdictions” and uses the withheld money to pay for construction of the border wall.

“With well over 300 sanctuary cities across the country, it is past time for Congress to take decisive action. Sanctuary cities blatantly subvert the rule of law, incentivize further illegal immigration and endanger law-abiding citizens. All the while, criminals and drugs flow across our porous southern border, bringing violence and crime into our towns and communities. This poses a critical threat to public safety and America’s national security as we know that Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations are actively operating in Latin America. Enough is enough,” said Congressman Pittenger. 

“By simultaneously defunding sanctuary cities and funding construction of a border wall, this legislation offers a comprehensive solution to one of our nation’s most pressing and persistent problems.” 

The “Make Sanctuary Cities Pay for the Wall Act” (H.R. 5663) withholds certain federal funds and grants from jurisdictions that forbid their law enforcement officials from sharing information with federal immigration officials or complying with an immigration detainer. The legislation redirects the withheld funds to pay for construction of a border wall along America’s southern border.

The “Make Sanctuary Cities Pay for the Wall Act” (H.R. 5663) has been endorsed by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA.


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