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This Day In History1789 – US Treasury Department established by Congress.

1859 – A solar super storm affects electrical telegraph service.

1897 – “McCal” magazine first published.

1898 – Machine gun 1st used in battle.

1901 – Theodore Roosevelt advises “Speak softly & carry a big stick”

1914 – The US Treasury Department establishes the Bureau of War Risk Insurance to provide up to $5 million worth of insurance for merchant ships and their crews.

1929 – Unilever forms by merger of Margarine Union  & Lever Bros.

1930 – 1st non-stop airplane flight from Europe to US (37 hrs)

1935 – A hurricane slams Florida Keys killing 423.

1940 – Great Smoky Mountains National Park dedicated.

1944 – Future US President George H.W. Bush bails from a burning plane during a mission in the Pacific.

1945 – V-J Day, formal surrender of Japan aboard USS Missouri marks the end of WW II (Japanese date, 1st September in US)

1952 – Dr. Floyd J Lewis 1st uses deep freeze technique in heart surgery.

1963 – Alabama Governor George Wallace prevents integration of Tuskegee High School.

1974 – US President Gerald Ford signs Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

1987 – Donald Trump takes out a full page NY Times ad lambasting Japan.

1991 – US officially recognizes independence of Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania.

1996 – Soyuz TM-24, lands.

2015 – Earth’s trees number just over 3 trillion according to study in “Nature” by Thomas Crowther of Yale University.

2015 – US President Barack Obama becomes the first president to visit the Arctic Circle at Kotzebue, Alaska.

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