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Bradley Kinlaw, Bladen County Emergency Management Director, is strongly encouraging Bladen County residents to take the storm seriously and finish making preparations. Hurricane Florence is now a Category 4 Major Hurricane, according to US National Weather Service Wilmington NC.

There are no evacuation orders for Bladen County residents at this time. We will keep you updated as the storm develops. 

We found the following tips on ReadyNC. Long before an emergency strikes, be sure to list out your property. A full list of personal items will help get insurance settlements and/or tax deductions for losses. Insurance agents can give you inventory checklists. Be sure to take pictures and describe the items on your list. Put these and other key insurance papers in waterproof containers or in your safety deposit boxes.

Look over your insurance policies and coverage to not make mistakes later. Separate policies are needed for protection against wind and flood damage.

Find out if your home is subject to flooding. Your local building inspection department has copies of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps that show property subject to a 100-year storm frequency.

Follow these guidelines when evacuating:

  • Listen to local media.
  • Fill your car with gasoline. Take only one vehicle to lower the amount of traffic.
  • Leave early enough to avoid being trapped by severe weather.
  • Plan where your family will meet and go. Tell family or friends of your plans.
  • Map out your path, using travel paths listed by police.
  • If possible, leave and go to a friend’s home in a safe area. Next, try a motel or hotel. As a last resort, go to a shelter. Remember, shelters are not made for comfort.
  • Take your family’s and pet’s emergency kits. Bring key family papers.
  • Bring extra cash. Banks may be closed, and cash tellers may not work.
  • Lock doors and windows before leaving your house. Unplug radios, toasters, televisions and small appliances. Be sure to turn off water, gas and power.
  • Ask neighbors if they need a ride.

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