Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Hope your Thanksgiving Day was good….for our immediate family….Great, all together, good fellowship, good food…fun time..

Quick check of NFL scores from ‘Turkey Day’ games:

Bears 23 – Lions 16

Cowboys 31 – Redskins 23

Saints 31 – Falcons 17

Current NFL leaders

AFL East     Patriots 7-3

AFL West    Chiefs   9-2

AFL North   Steelers 7-2

AFL South  Texans   7-3

NFC East   Cowboys and Redskins 6-5

NFC West  Rams 10-1

NFC North  Bears  8-3

NFC South Saints 10-1

Reminder that the Elizabethtown Christmas Parade is Sunday (Nov. 25th), 3 PM.  The Bladenboro parade will be Saturday, December 1st at 10:30 AM…

Today is ‘Black Friday’…..Shop ’til you hearts content, or as long as the cash and plastic allows…..hopefully, begin with local merchants….

Many newly elected governmental officials will take their oath of office early next month…For Bladen County Commissioners, Monday, December 3rd…and for members of the local Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled meeting…Both boards will also elect or re-elect leaders for the coming year…..

A reminder that many, if not all governmental offices will be closed today, re-opening for business on Monday.

Check our News, Sports, Events, Obits and other pages for constant updates on BladenOnline…We doze, but never close….24-7-365 days of the year…FREE…(Online).

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.  Bo Derek

A necessary item goes on sale only after you have purchased it at the regular price.  Graditor’s Second Law

In America, it’s not how much an item costs, it’s how much you save.

robert g hester



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