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Washington, D.C. – This week, the House of Representatives unanimously passed Congressman David Rouzer’s bill, H.R. 6118, to direct the Department of Interior to designate one city per year as a nationally recognized “American World War II City.”  Due to the hard work and dedication of Wilmington native Captain Wilbur D. Jones, Jr., USNR (Ret.), who is a distinguished author and veteran active in the community, the idea of honoring Wilmington as the Nation’s first World War II City is one step closer to being achieved.

“Our state and country is fortunate to have Captain Wilbur D. Jones, Jr., advocating to recognize Wilmington and other cities for their significant contributions during World War II,” said Congressman David Rouzer.  “As many from the Greatest Generation know, the City of Wilmington was a major contributor to a nationwide effort during World War II to assist with the many components of war production such as defense manufacturing, the production of food and consumer items, and much more.  Passage of this bill brings Wilmington one step closer to receiving the recognition it so rightfully deserves.”

“Thank you to Congressman Rouzer for taking on this fight for recognition of the proud service and sacrifice made by our Wilmington community during such a crucial time in not only our nation’s history, but world history,” said Mayor Bill Saffo of Wilmington.  “This has been an effort that has taken many turns over the years and we appreciate his seeing it through to what we hope will be a successful end.  Also, thank you to the tireless efforts and leadership from one of our most esteemed Wilmington residents, Captain Wilbur Jones. So much of Wilmington’s World War II history and heritage would be lost were it not for his great works.”

H.R. 6118 directs the Secretary of the Interior to designate at least one city in the United States each year with this illustrious title.  These cities will be designated based on their significant contributions to the war effort and their work preserving the history of WWII.

During the 114th Congress, H.R. 1721 passed the House of Representatives via H.R. 677, the American Heroes COLA Act of 2015, which provided for annual cost-of-living adjustments to be made automatically by law each year to men and women who have served our country.  That legislation died in the U.S. Senate.  Any bill that did not become law during the 114th Congress had to be reintroduced in the 115th Congress to be considered again.  Congressman Rouzer re-introduced the bill, which was designated as H.R. 6118, in March of 2017.

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