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Thirteen Columbus Charter School (CCS) alumni were inducted into The Columbus Career and College Academy Chapter of the National Honor Society on April 23, 2019. Eleven Columbus Charter School alumni are already current members. The stated purpose of the group is “to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage development of character in students of Columbus Career and College Academy.”

Anna Prince, a Columbus Charter School alumni and new inductee, commented, “Columbus Charter School gave me the foundation to be inducted into my school’s National Honor Society. I attended Columbus Charter School for nine years and wholeheartedly believe it is one of the main reasons I am doing so well in school and life.”

Another Columbus Charter School Alumni, Austin Morgan, explained, “During my nine years at Columbus Charter School, I was able to work a year ahead. This challenge motivated me to work harder and eventually become a part of National Honor Society.”

Steve Smith, Headmaster of Columbus Charter School, commented, “We are so proud of our alumni! Our goal at Columbus Charter School is to set students up for future success. We provide a well-rounded education emphasizing both academics and character. It’s a great feeling to see our students use the tools we’ve provided to build brilliant futures.”

Columbus Charter School is one of four charter schools managed by The Roger Bacon Academy, Inc. founded in 1999 by education pioneer Baker Mitchell. The other schools include Charter Day School in Leland, Douglass Academy in Wilmington, and South Brunswick Charter School in Southport with a combined
enrollment of over 2,100 students in K-8. All four are tuition-free, charter schools that welcome all students, regardless of income, ability, or address. To learn more or enroll online, please visit EnrollRBA.com

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