Thoughts While Shaving
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Today is the first day of Spring … Looking forward to a new planting season…

April 15 is the last day to file your taxes … Uncle Sam wants to hear from you … If you owe more $s, you have additional time to pay…

Easter Sunday is April 12…

Can’t imagine adjusting to having youngsters at home all day long, 7 days a week … doing homework. … A big adjustment for the families, but a disruption of spring high school sporting events, how about a young man hopeful of a chance to play in the NFL … another young person looking forward to beginning college, or a college student preparing to graduate with more questions than answers. … Hopefully all returns to a more normal situation … soon.

My siblings and I and our spouses have been sharing time together, sharing a meal weekly for 16 or 17 years or more … occasionally missing but together 40 to 45 Thursday’s annually. … We called it off this week, may be forced to do so for a few weeks due to coronavirus. … Looking forward to resuming…

Even funerals are different … many having a private funeral and a memorial service sometime in the future…

Not complaining, just attempting to adjust…

Oh yes, no paper products on the shelves at retail outlets … must be a mad dash when new products arrive…

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” Confucius

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” Robert H. Schuller

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on” Franklin D. Roosevelt

robert g hester

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