Thoughts While Shaving
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Can you believe Tuesday, November 3, 2020 has finally arrived?

For many, their political career is just beginning, some attempting a come-back and for others the beginning of the end … Regardless of the category, we are fortunate we have the opportunity to vote for our future leaders … The majority of eligible voters have cast their ballot, hopeful others will fullfill their civic obligation and vote today…

I hope all vote as I did … for the individual they think can do the best job in coming years … I do not attempt to influence anyone about who they should vote for, and do not listen to those who ‘know it all’. The sun will rise tomorrow and hopefully we can end the squabbling and begin to do our civic duty and support our new leaders, whether they were our choice of not.

Telephone calls will hopefully end by later today, no more ‘slicks’ in the mailbox and finally the negative TV ads will cease … but most likely not until later today … The race is not over ’til the last vote is cast at 7:30 PM today … and results will most likely be slow coming … but they will … My hope and prayer is that the national contest will not be in doubt … Hopeful of a clear winner … one way or the other…

A reminder, you must vote at your regular voting place…

Should be a nice day, weatherwise … Areas of frost early, then sunny, with a high near 65 and west wind 3 to 5 mph. Tonight, clear, with a low around 38 … calm wind.

“If you put your politicians up for sale, as the US does … then someone will buy them — and it won’t be you: you can’t afford them.” Juan Cole

“If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time, no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side.” Orson Scott Card

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters.” Abraham Lincoln

robert g hester

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