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1822 – Charles Graham of NY granted first US patent for artificial teeth.

1897 – Cleveland Indians fans start calling the team “Indians” (1n 1915 becomes official)

1923 – Elmer Rice’s “Adding Machine” premieres in NYC.

1933 – US Congress is called into special session by FDR, beginning its “100 days”

1945 – 334 US B-29 Superfortresses attack Tokyo with 120,000 fire bombs.

1946 – Ted Williams is offered $500,000 to play in Mexican Baseball League, he refuses.

1950 – Willie Sutton robs Manufacturers Bank of $64,000 in NYC.

1957 – 4th ACC Men’s Basketball Tournament: North Carolina beats South Carolina, 95-75.

1959 – The Coasters’ single “Charlie Brown” peaks at #2 on the Billboard Top 500.

1959 – Barbie makes her debut at the American toy Fair in New York.  Over a billion have been worldwide since.

1964 – 1st Ford Mustang produced.

1975 – Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins.

1981 – Dan Rather becomes primary anchorman of CBS-TV News.

1987 – Chrysler Corp offered to buy American Motors Corp for $1 billion.

1991 – US 70th manned space mission STS 39 (Discovery 12) launches into orbit.

1995 – Baseball awards a franchise to Tampa Bay Rays.

2007 – The US Justice Department releases an internal audit that found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had acted illegally in its use of the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about US citizens.

2020 – Italy announces it is locking down the whole country due to a spike in COVID-19 cases with 10,040 cases and 630 deaths.

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