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by Danna Martínez

Our intellect allows us to understand different situations in life, but our capacity for understanding is limited in some cases. Those things that we cannot explain or understand we call mysteries.

The term mystery comes from the Latin mysterium; it refers to something secret, unknown, or hidden to people. The word mystery works as an adjective to describe people, objects, or situations.

The mystery is a condition inaccessible to reason. When we refer to something as mysterious, we refer to a reality that we cannot understand. Existence is an example of mystery; Despite being aware of our existence, it is still a mystery to know why we exist. The cosmos, human purpose, the mind, and paranormal activity are some other universal mysteries like existence.

In addition to universal mysteries, some mysteries are unknown worldwide and still unsolved to some communities. Mysteries like local robberies or murders are not as distinguished worldwide.

The interest in the mystery increases concerning the time it has been a mystery and its ability to be solved. If an event has only been a mystery for days, there is a good chance someone will solve it. However, if no one hasn’t deciphered the dilemma for several years, it means that the capacity to solve it’s very high. Consequently, the more complex the mystery, the more people will want to know the answer.

Besides, the fact of being mysterious does not inhibit people from speculating about possible answers to mysteries. The appeal of the mystery lies in its quality to arouse people’s curiosity. Imagining and creating theories is a widespread activity when hearing about a mystery. Also, it is a tendency for human beings to try to solve dilemmas. Generally, when an event is mysterious, it achieves a high degree of importance and fame. On the other hand, when the mystery is solved, it loses the exciting feeling in people.

Another fundamental characteristic of a mystery is that we cannot predict it. If we expected a mystery, we would know why it is a mystery. In such a case, the mysterious ceases to be mysterious since the reason for the mystery is known.

Multiple people have given their time and dedication to solving mysteries. Scientists, archaeologists, writers, philosophers, and even journalists are some of the people who seek to solve the dilemmas of humanity.

The events arouse the interest of people to know, learn, and advance.

“Life is not a problem to be solved; it is a mystery to be lived.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

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