Thoughts While Shaving
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Sadly, COVID-19 is still alive and well in Bladen County … Not much being said, but understand deaths are on the rise … locally…

Youngsters and teachers will soon be heading back to school … Hope we do not have a repeat of last year … so far as sickness and deaths are concerned … Vaccines are available … contact the Bladen County Health Department…

NC 87 bypass is in the process of being repaved … FYI…

Work continues on US 701 bridge over Cape Fear River, as well as the Elizabethtown Cemetery…

Federal and state funds are flowing into the area … Not just for the unemployed…

Stock market is doing well…

Four County EMC’s new office in Bladen is a nice addition to the area … located on NC 242 near Star Telephone, Bladen-Gasklins Funeral Home and Farm Bureau…

Many industries in the area have jobs available for those who are looking. A lack of housing in the area is not good … more abandoned dwellings than I recall, ever…

Local law enforcement still busy dealing with illegal drug issues…

When all is said and done, hopefully the new owners and visitors will determine additions/renovations to areas of White Lake are good … and will attract more visitors…

Looking forward to new construction in downtown Bladenboro…

Find it hard to believe, with all the surplus $’s in Raleigh, very little being allocated for retiree benefits … none for many … and didn’t just begin…

A little of this ‘n that…

“What do you call a person who is happy on Monday? Retired..” Unknown

“There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working.” Robert Half

“Retirement: World’s longest coffee break.” Unknown

robert g hester

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