Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingWith school out, youngsters ready to enjoy the summer season … What kind of plans do you and your family have?

Vacation on your agenda? July 4th is a favorite time of the year for a few days off … Between now and then … Several dates to remember…
Father’s Day – Sunday, June 18…
Summer officially arrives, Wednesday, June 21…
Bladen We Care Annual Golf Tournament, June 21…

And for senior citizens, every day, or so it seems, includes a doctor’s appointment … Medical, Dental, Eye, Dermatologist, you name it … more, or so it seems, for us senior citizens … Many of my friends share with all…

Always nice to ‘bump into” a long time friend, or friends, unexpectedly … had several such happenings in the past few days…

The older I get the more issues I have with computer IDs and passwords … I know I mentioned it several times recently … just doesn’t get better…

I wish my mom could see her siblings, maybe she is seeing from a distance. I think she thought we never ‘heard’ what she was saying … but I think we did … just took a while for it to “sink in”

See where there have been some local lottery winners … Ever think about what you would do if you were to win? By the time Uncle Sam gets his take of the proceeds, ’bout half of the total is gone … If you see my name, please let me know…

“I’m not arguing … I’m explaining why I’m right.”

“I’m not great at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” Chandler Bing

“I don’t always have time to study, but when I do, I don’t.”

robert g hester

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