
Winners Regina McIntyre and Saeed McElveen photoed with one of the tour organizers. Talent Tour for Apollo Images courtesy of Martin Fried, www.mfriedphoto.com

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Regina McIntyre and Saeed McElveen photoed with one of the tour organizers. Talent Tour for Apollo Images courtesy of Martin Fried, www.mfriedphoto.com.

By Charlotte Smith

Images courtesy of Martin Friedwww.mfriedphoto.com

Talented individuals from Bladen County, who showcased their skills in the National Talent Tour’s “Road to the Apollo in New York,” are now headed for their auditions at the world-renowned Apollo Theater in New York City.

The National Talent Tour’s “Road to the Apollo” made a memorable stop at Bladen Community College (BCC) on Saturday, November 13, 2022. This tour scours the nation for exceptional talent, with televised shows where the audience plays a pivotal role in determining the winners through cheers and boos. Captain Newborn, one of the show’s organizers, expressed great satisfaction with the event’s success.


Twenty-two remarkable contestants graced the stage at BCC. Following the initial auditions held in October, contestants were encouraged to rally their supporters to advance to the next stage of the tour. 

In the Children’s Competition, Xia Smith, daughter of Janel Smith, emerged as the victor with her rendition of “Killing Me Softly.”


Saeed McElveen, son of Freddie and Ilka McElveen, along with Danyelle Cotten, daughter of Alex and Andrice Cotten, earned their spot on the “Road to the Apollo in New York” thanks to Captain Newborn’s executive decision.

Regina McIntyre, whose powerful performance of “I Won’t Complain” won her the Adult Competition, and Chasiti Barnes Smith, were both invited to the auditions at the Apollo Theater in New York.

The selected contestants are embarking on their journey today to audition at the iconic Apollo Theater in New York City. According to Ilka McElveen, these talented artists will return to Bladen County tomorrow and await news regarding their chance to perform in front of a live studio audience at the Apollo.

It’s worth noting that the National Talent Tour’s “Road to the Apollo in New York” serves as a fundraiser for Next Level Veterans, a nationally accredited outreach campus for United States Veterans. This organization offers various services, such as PTSD treatment, outpatient therapy, medication management, peer counseling, housing, case management, deep-sea fishing therapy, and adventure therapy for veterans in North Carolina. For further information, call 919-683-6398.

Captain Newborn shared that the Bladen County event raised approximately $6,000 for this important fundraiser.

Related article:

National Talent Tour is Successful in Bladen Despite Lack of Support

Bladen County Talent Helps Fundraiser for Veterans this Weekend


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