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Staff report

The Resilient Bladen Coalition (RBC) convened again on March 25, 2024, via Zoom, bringing together diverse stakeholders committed to fostering resilience and addressing community challenges in Bladen County (BC), North Carolina.

Attendees from various agencies and organizations shared their names and affiliations, setting a collaborative tone for the meeting. In attendance were: Tocarra Osborne with BC Smart Start, Stacie Kinlaw with RCPC/ROAR, Isabella Faison and Dr. Terri Duncan with BC Health and Human Services, Amanda Kazee, Deana Guido with Bladen Community College, Jill Sampson and Vickie Smith with BC Social Services, Dena Hamilton with Trillium Health Services, and Tyshell Jones with Bladen County Human Resources, Scottie Seawell with Regional Resilience WG, and Grace Thompson with District 15 Courts.

To lighten the atmosphere and promote camaraderie, participants shared their favorite Springtime aspects, showcasing the coalition’s diverse interests.

Isabella Faison, a Health Educator from the Bladen County Health Department, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the Substance Misuse Task Force’s initiatives and the sobering realities of substance misuse in the county. The compelling data presented by Faison highlights the severity of substance misuse in Bladen County. Shockingly, there were 220 suspected overdoses reported last year, resulting in 13 tragic fatalities. The majority of those affected were identified as white males aged 30 to 39. Noteworthy hot spots for these incidents include Elizabethtown, Bladenboro, and Dublin, with many overdoses occurring near highways and bodies of water.

In response to this crisis, measures such as the availability of naloxone across the county, with pricing options ranging from free to variable, aim to combat the immediate dangers of overdose. Moreover, Faison addressed the prevalence of e-cigarette and vaping usage among middle school-aged children, underscoring the importance of targeted intervention and education in this demographic.

Alcohol misuse also emerged as a significant concern, with 32 alcohol-related deaths recorded in Bladen County last year, following 21 fatalities in 2021. This alarming trend underscores the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address alcohol-related harm in the community.

The county has taken proactive steps towards prevention and recovery, leveraging resources from the HRSA grant to implement initiatives like Operation Medicine Drop. This program allows individuals to safely dispose of unused or expired medications while receiving a lock box to secure medications at home, with a permanent drop box conveniently located at the Bladen County Sheriff’s Office.

In addition, school-based prevention programs, including life skills classes for 5th through 9th graders and evidence-based vaping prevention through programs like Catch My Breath, aim to educate and empower youth to make informed choices.

Furthermore, the Recovery Bladen website serves as a comprehensive resource hub, offering over 70 pages of support services and information. Additionally, various recovery centers and mobile vans are deployed throughout the county, ensuring accessibility to essential resources for those in need.

The Substance Misuse Task Force convenes monthly at the Bladen County Health Department, demonstrating the ongoing commitment to addressing substance misuse through collaborative efforts and evidence-based interventions.

Amidst the proceedings, the gathering received bittersweet news. Grace Thompson, esteemed for her role as the Restitution Coordinator for the Teen Court Program since March 2015, shared her decision to retire from her position at District 15 Courts. Thompson’s invaluable contributions and steadfast dedication have left an indelible mark on the program and the community it serves. The coalition extended heartfelt congratulations to Thompson on the occasion of her retirement, acknowledging her significant impact and wishing her well in this new chapter of her life.

Before adjourning, attendees seized the opportunity to announce upcoming community events, ranging from educational programs to practical initiatives like “Touch a Truck” and Medicine Take Back events, highlighting the coalition’s proactive approach to community engagement.

● March 28, 2024- Car Seat Check at Elizabethtown Fire Department. There will also be a raffle for a free car seat.

● April 13, 2024 – “Touch a Truck” event will be held at Bladen Community College.

● April 27, 2024- Medicine Take Back event from 10 am to 12 pm. The location of the event is to be announced.

In closing the coalition emphasized the importance of participation in the 2024 NC Resilient Community Coalition Survey. Please be sure to complete the 2024 NC Resilient Community Coalition Survey:


The upcoming April RBC meeting, featuring a presentation from NC Child- The Voice for North Carolina’s Children, an advocate for North Carolina’s children, will be held on April 29, 2024, at 11 am via Zoom.

With a focus on collaboration, education, and proactive engagement, the Resilient Bladen Coalition continues to make strides in addressing challenges and promoting well-being in Bladen County. As they look ahead to future meetings and initiatives, the RBC remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering resilience and creating positive change.

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