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By Jair McElveen

Epitomizing the best definition of respect, honor, and hard work, Naziya Johnson from Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy puts a perfect high school senior in the spotlight. After enrolling in the academy in her eighth-grade year, Naziya knew that Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy was the place for her. Currently holding the highest rank, as the first captain of Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy, Naziya is responsible for the school’s overall performance. She is often tasked with ensuring all cadets are accounted for, managing discipline, and referring back to Colonel Lloyd. Naziya mentioned that she is not a part of the drill team or many clubs, so finding out she was the first captain was “very unexpected.”

At Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy, Naziya says that her math teacher, Mr. Sylvester Pittman, has shaped her into who she is today. He has inspired her through his stories and made her realize that she can be more than one thing in the world to make meaningful change. Furthermore, Naziya has learned, “Nothing is to be handed to you. If you don’t do the work, you won’t get the grade.” She adds that this rule also goes for life by saying, “If you don’t do the work, you won’t get paid.” Naziya says that her high school experience has prepared her to see things as an adult and take responsibility for herself and her actions. 

When asked about her plans after high school, Naziya plans to attend a community college to obtain her Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and an associate’s degree in nursing. She decided to pursue the two credentials previously listed by her stepfather,  a truck driver, and her mother, who has allowed Naziya to “sit back and think” about what she wanted to be and do. Naziya’s main goal for the future is to continue learning. She says, “You can never learn too much,” and hopes to be successful in everything she does. 

If there is one piece of advice that Naziya hopes to leave for underclassmen and incoming freshmen, it is that “high school goes by fast.” 

As her family’s first high school graduate, Naziya believes it is important to share her story with the community because it is different. She hopes to inspire others through her story and help them realize that “where you come from doesn’t have to be your story. You are in charge of your narrative and what you want to do with your life.”

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