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Thoughts While ShavingNew Year’s day is officially behind us for 2016. Good day to re-pack Christmas decorations, watched bits and pieces of a parade, and football games. There is no shortage of bowl game. Remember when only the best college teams played on New Years Day? Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, were the biggies or a few of the most prestigious.

Looking forward to the Alabama vs Clemson game Monday, January 11.

Hope you enjoyed your black eyed peas and pork, and maybe, just maybe 2016 will bring good luck to all.

Decided to look at how other countries celebrated New Years.

In Spain, great prosperity can be achieved by wearing red underwear and eating 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight. Maybe next year……

In southern France, they celebrate by preparing a cassoulet—-a stew of sausages, poultry and beans (dried white beans).

And one other tale…..Doing laundry on New Year’s Day leads toward the washing away of a loved one in the months that follow or else cause your fortune to wash down the drain. (Think I heard that sometime in the past).

All in all, we are off and running into 2016. The weather has changed, feels like January and over the next few days temps will be dropping even more. Time to reach out to the less fortunate and make sure they are safe (warm).

BladenOnline statistics should be released shortly, for last year. Expectations are high. BladenOnline full-timers and part-timers work hard to cover the local news. All about Bladen County…News You Can Use. Charlotte, Erin, Haley, Ray, John, Joy, Norgie, Bethany, Ken A, and others (forgive me if I left anyone out) are taking this news source to new highs and I appreciate and hopefully you do as well. (proof is in the Google Analytic numbers). The Best Is Yet To Come.

Call Charlotte Smith to add your business to Bladen’s most read, local news source, line-up. Her number is 910-876-5393.

Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small. Tim Ferriss

We become what we think about. Earl Nightingale

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. Chinese Proverb

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