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The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office Command Staff joined Bladen County Sheriff Jim McVicker at the Community Watch meeting for the Hickory Grove community. The meeting took place at the Hickory Grove Community Building on Center Road adjacent to the Hickory Grove Baptist Church.

There were about 40 concerned members of the community in attendance.

Leslie Miller, when asked her reason for attending the meeting, said, “There has been a lot of crime going on.”

Seth Lewis moderated the meeting and told those present that organizer Amanda Crabtree was unable to attend the meeting.

“I’m honored to be here. We’re all in this together,” said McVicker.

He told those in attendance that it takes everyone in the community working together with law enforcement to combat crime. McVicker proceeded to introduce the members of his command staff and each one gave a brief explanation of the responsibilities to the group.

The command staff include Chief Deputy Larry Guyton, Capt. Jeff Singletary, Capt. Jeff Bridgers, Cpl. Cley Carroll, Investigator Jeff Tyler, Investigator Greg Bullard, and Training Officer David Shaw.

“We work for you,” said McVicker.

He added that the residents in the community know who is supposed to be in the community and who does not belong there. McVicker encouraged the members to phone in suspicious activity and get the tag numbers, when possible, of suspicious vehicles.

McVicker told the group that when they call in tips, officers will respond and, if requested, will call back the tipster, but the tipster must request they do so. McVicker also reminded them to be patient as the officers are also attending to other calls as well.

McVicker and staff fielded questions from the audience as well. One audience member asked about holding a suspicious person or persons at gun point until law enforcement arrived which was promptly discouraged. McVicker responded, “No property is worth getting hurt over.”

Instead, he recommended getting a tag number from the suspicious vehicle and phoning in the tip.

He also told the group about the upcoming training session House of Worship Security training which is scheduled for Monday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Elizabethtown Baptist Church. This training gives churches the tools necessary to assess safety in their facilities and address areas of concern. Folks can contact the Barry Pait or Gary Turlington at 910-862-6960 for more details regarding the class.

McVicker said that officers also have also started visiting churches and, if there are no pending calls, attending the worship services. He explained the officers will come in and sit at the back of the church.

Deputies also make unannounced visits to schools and talk with teachers, staff and students. McVicker said these measures allow the public to become accustomed to the deputies so that in an emergency they can readily identify the officers.

“I want it so that if anything happens, you will know the deputies,” said McVicker.

Guyton talked to the group about an upcoming concealed carry class set for March 24. The cost for the class is $75.

“This Community Watch is great. Anything we can do, we are here to help,” said Guyton.

Tyler spoke briefly about his role supervising the investigators and told the group that the investigators’ average caseload right now is about 30 to 40 cases each.

Capt. Bridgers spoke briefly about his role supervising the uniformed patrol division.

McVickers was asked about the county’s relationship with neighboring counties and he replied that the working relationships are good. McVickers said that recently a meeting was held at the Allen Brothers Preserve that was attended by seven county law enforcement agencies. He also said that Bladen County also works with federal and state law enforcement agencies as well.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 1, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hickory Grove Community Building.

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