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Thoughts While Shaving Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.  Today, should be cooler and windy with gusts as high as 29 mph.  A rain gauge in the Happy Valley area, southwest of Elizabethtown registered over 3 inches of rain over the past three or four days.

Election day is fast approaching….mark your calendar….Tuesday, March 15.

Any special plans for the Super Bowl?  Go Panthers.

Tonight, supporters of Elizabethtown Dixie Youth baseball are sponsoring their annual fund-raiser.  Included is a steak dinner for two, reverse raffle, a few items will be auctioned off and lots of fun.  The event is held annually at Elizabethtown Primary School.

Other events are likely planned for teams across the county.  Let us know, we will post on BladenOnline.  Need details, including contact numbers.

Coaches and supporters are, for the most part, the fund-raisers.

How about the East Bladen girls basketball team?  22-0 the last time I checked.  A special group of young ladies and good coaches.  Enjoy, special teams such as this group are few and far between.

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.  William B. Sprague

There is no such thing as failure.  There are only results.  Tony Robbins

Do something wonderful, people my imitate it.  Albert Schweitzer

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