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Lauren_Clark_550Lauren Clark from Bladenboro was sent home from the Biggest Loser on Monday night’s show. Lauren and her mom, Vicki Clark were contestants on the 16th season of the Biggest Loser. Now both have been sent home, but are not out completely.

When Lauren started the Biggest Loser she weighed 234 pounds. She reported after she was voted off the show Monday evening that she now weighs 168 pounds for a total weight loss this far of 66 pounds.

Lauren said, “I feel fantastic! Before coming to the Biggest Loser, I did not love myself at all. While I was at the ranch I realized I am worthy of people caring about me and loving me.”

Lauren was on Jen’s team on the show. Lauren talked about how Jen has helped her over come her challenges on her last night on the ranch.

She said, “I honestly think God blessed me with Jen. She saw something in me that I couldn’t see. Jen is a world class trainer and she believes in me.”

Many in our community have said they are proud of Lauren and her mom and they said they have been motivated by the two ladies being on the show.

There is still a chance for Lauren and Vicki. They are still working on the at home challenge. Everyone is invited to tune in to the Biggest Loser on February 22nd to see the final results of our home town ladies.

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