Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingA brief look at results of Tuesday’s Presidential Primaries:

California        Clinton 56.3%     Sanders 42.7%

Montana         Sanders 51.0 %  Clinton 44.6%

New Jersey    Clinton 63.3%     Sanders 36.7%

New Mexico   Clinton 51.5%     Sanders 48.5%

North Dakota Sanders 64.2%   Clinton 25.6%

South Dakota Clinton 51.0%     Sanders 49.0%

Donald Trump was the Republican winner, with no opposition.

Highlights from selected NC Congressional primaries:

2nd District:

George Holding 53%

Renee Elmers   24%

Greg Bannon    200 votes less than Elmers.

9th District:

Rep. Robert Pittenger leads Mark Harris by 142 votes.

7th District:

Rep. David Rouzer (unopposed)

In the race for NC Supreme Court:

Edmunds  234,142

Morgan     167,221

Faires         58,588

Robertson  27,220

A light turnout was reported across the state.

To be continued….

Barack Obama is the USA’s 44th President, but there actually have only been 43 presidents:  Grover Cleveland was elected for two non-consecutive terms and is counted twice, as the 22nd and 24th president.

Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006), 38th President of the USA, is the only US President who was never elected as either President of Vice President.

Eight Presidents were born British subjects: Washington, J. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J.Q. Adams, Jackson and W. Harrison.

The tallest president was Lincoln at 6’4″, and Madison was the shortest at 5’4″.

One more:

The word ‘politics’ is derived from the word ‘poly’, meaning ‘many’ and word ‘ticks’, meaning ‘blood sucking parasites’.  Larry Hardiman

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