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This Day In History
1754 – Kings College in NYC opens (renamed Columbia College)
1802 – 1st comic book “The Wasp” is published.
1846 – US annexes California.
1863 – 1st military draft by US (exemptions cost $100)
1875 – Jesse James robs train in Otterville, Missouri.
1914 – Baltimore Orioles’ (IL) owner Jack Dunn offers Babe Ruth, Ernie Shore & Ben Egan for $10,000 to Connie Mack, who refuses, pleading poverty.
1928 – Sliced bread sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking company, Missouri.  Described as the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.
1930 – Construction begins on Boulder (Hoover) Dam.
1941 – US forces land in Iceland to forestall Nazi invasion.
1948 – Cleveland Indians sign 42 year-old Leroy “Satchel” Paige.
1949 – “Dragnet” premieres on NBC radio; also a TV series in 1951 & 1967.
1955 – 1st LPGA Championship won by Beverly Hanson.
1958 – President Eisenhower signed a bill approving Alaskan statehood.
1961 – James R. Hoffa elected chairman of Teamsters.
1972 – 1st women FBI members sworn in (Susan Lynn Roley & Joanne E. Pierce)
1981 – Sandra Day O’Conner nominated for the Supreme Court.
1986 – Supreme Court struck down Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law.
1995 – Space shuttle STS-71 (Atlantis 14), lands.
2002 – 109th Wimbledon Women’s Tennis: Serena Williams beats Venus Williams (7-6,6-3)
2013 – 10 people are killed after an air taxi crashes in Soldotna, Alaska.

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