Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingBudgets have been approved at the local and state level. Political campaigns continue. Conventions for both parties are nearing.

Who will the VP candidates be? And, wonder if the mainline Republicans will mount a campaign against their presumptive candidate?

Wonder if the presumptive Democrat candidate faces more legal problems?

Traveled I-95 yesterday and what a show. Traffic was heavy, running about 10 miles per hour above the posted speed. I look in the rear view mirror and coming is a motorcycle going where there was no lane, between the two lanes of traffic. Guess I should not be surprised, but I was.

Forecast high today is 89 degrees.

BladenOnline numbers hold steady, even during a holiday period. Congratulations to the staff and to our readers and advertisers.

It was so hot I saw a robin dipping his worm in iced tea. Johnny Carson

It was so hot the trees were whistling for the dogs. Anonymous

How does Teflon stick to the pan? Anonymous

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