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By: Erin Smith

The Bladen County Board of Commissioners met 0n Monday night and revisited the issue of Bladen County EMS though it was not on the agenda.

Bladen County Commissioner Michael Cogdell made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Arthur Bullock to “bring EMS into compliance” with the addition of more paramedics and EMTS.

Commissioner Charles Ray Peterson said, “I don’t think it is appropriate to do that right now.”

He noted that with the current budget constraints and the quarter-cent sales tax referendum which is to be used to pay for EMS personnel and equipment should it be adopted.

The board voted on the matter 6-3 with Cogdell, Bullock and Commissioner Delilah Blanks casting the only votes in favor of the measure. Commissioner Blanks told the board that EMS is a mandated service and should be funded.

“We need to get serious about a mandated service,” said Commissioner Blanks.

Commissioner Jimmie Smith reminded the board members that the county has not yet hired the five personnel that were approved two weeks ago.

Commissioner Peterson said that he felt the board has done all it can do with the approval of the five positions at the last meeting.  He said that the board had a commitment for 10 positions but “some didn’t live up to the bargain.”

“I personally think the best thing to do is wait and see what happens with the quarter-cent sales tax,” said Commissioner Peterson.

oommissioner Cogdell said he spoke with some EMS personnel on Saturday and said they told him they were short of staff.

Commissioner Bullock said all citizens need EMS coverage. Further, Commissioner Bullock said he did not know anything about the bargain to which Commissioner Peterson was referring.

Commissioner Blanks claimed that citizens in her district are ready to file a lawsuit over the matter.

Commissioner Peterson noted that the County currently stations an ambulance in East Arcadia 24 hours per day.

“We’re trying our best to serve those citizens,” said Commissioner Peterson.

In other business, Bladen County Sheriff Jim McVicker presented a request to the board from the NC Highway Patrol to use an office at the new Bladen County Jail and Detention Facility. Sheriff McVicker said in exchange for the office space, the state will erect and pay for an 80-foot tower. Sheriff McVicker said the tower is one that is required. If the county must construct the tower in question, the cost will be $18,000.

Commissioner Cogdell said he had not had a chance to speak with Sheriff McVicker regarding the matter. He asked if other counties have similar agreements. McVicker said Wilmington and Harnett County have similar agreements in place.

“I think it will be a good asset to have for the Sheriff’s Office and Highway Patrol to be together,” said Commissioner Billy Ray Pait.

Sheriff McVicker said the office space that would be required is 8 feet by 12 feet.

The board will vote on the matter at the Aug. 15 meeting.

*Central Services Director Kip McClary made a request to reclassify the position of Maintenance Mechanic II to Lead Maintenance Mechanic. He said this will result in the increase of responsibility and an increase in pay grade.

*The board tabled a decision on appointing someone to the White Lake Planning and Zoning Board.

*County Manager Greg Martin asked the board to approve an agreement regarding the fishway construction project for lock and dam No. 2 and No. 3. Martin said the agreement is strictly design related. The board approved the agreement.

* The discussion became contentious again when the issue of per diem travel was discussed. Martin told the board that the county currently reimburses travel with a rate $33.50 for in-state travel and $40.50 for out-of-state travel. The State uses a per diem rate of $37.90 for in-state travel and $40.50 per day for out-of-state travel. The federal rate is from $51 to $74.

Martin said the rate varies by county.

A motion was made to table the matter, but it failed in a 6-3 vote with Commissioners Cogdell, Blanks and Bullock voting in favor of tabling the matter.

Commissioner Peterson raised the question of what the reprimand would be for an elected official who violates the travel reimbursement policy. Martin said that the language regarding a reprimand or dismissal applies to county employees who violate the policy. He noted that commissioners are elected officials and not employees of the county.

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