Thoughts While Shaving
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We have a new leader, President Donald Trump assumed the top spot yesterday during a day long celebration in DC yesterday.

Despite all the differences, a long, tension-filled campaign, it is refreshing that we can change leaders in a civil manner.

Wish the Obamas the best and look forward to the next few years with the Trumps in the White House.

There will be no shortage of news coming out of Washington over the coming days and weeks.

During the campaign, there were numerous fake news sites promoting both candidates.  One  originated by a North Carolina native, a recent Davidson grad.  We have one of his articles on our Regional page (Fake news author fired, apologizes) or you can Google ‘Cam Harris, Kings Mountain, NC’.  This fake story was shared with an estimated 6 million people.

His news page headline: “Breaking: Tens of thousands of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.”  This despite the fact that FactCheck.com had reported the news site (ChristianTimeNews.com) was ‘untrustworthy.’  It was forwarded by thousands, including some nearby.  Harris has confessed and apologized.

We will be hearing much from President Trump, VP Pence, House Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell over the coming years.

One more thought, did you know Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway, Counselor to President Donald J. Trump, is a former Blueberry Queen”?  In 1982, she won the New Jersey Princess pageant and according to one source, she was also named the ‘World Champion Blueberry Packer, because she spent eight summers packing blueberries on a farm.  She was known as the fastest packer”

If the DC job does not work out, bet Bladen County could use a ‘fast blueberry packer’ to promote our #1 farm crop.  Not likely……

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.   Confusius

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.  Mark Twain

You have to think anyway, so why not think big?  Donald Trump

robert g hester



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