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Clarkton School of Discovery swept a non-conference baseball double-header at Bladenboro Tuesday by scores of 16-3 and 6-2.

Pierce Melvin struck out 5 batters in the first 2 innings to pick up the win in the first game for the Blue Devils. Holden Clark pitched the final 2 innings and struck out one.

Dan Tatum hammered a double and batted 3-4 to lead the Clarkton hitters. Teammate Shy Pone walloped a triple and was 2-2 at the plate.

Eric Chancy slammed a triple for the winners, and Melvin and Greyson Heustess smacked 2 hits each. Jake Evans, Spencer Scott, and Gabe Barber connected for one hit each for CSD.

Aldo Hernandez, starting pitcher Dalton Pait and J. Pait collected one hit each for the Bulldogs.

A 7-run fourth inning ended the first game on the run rule. Bladenboro took a 2-1 lead into the bottom of the third in Game 2, before a 5-run Blue Devil rally put the visitors on top.

Cody Butler struck out 5 batters in his 4 innings on the mound in Game 2 for the Blue Devils to pick up the win.

Logan West struck out 3 in his 2 innings of work on the hill for the Bulldogs in the second game. West also smashed a double and turned in a 2-2 game at the plate. David Valenta batted a perfect 3-3 to lead the Bladenboro hitters.

Pone topped the Clarkton hitters with a triple and a single in 2 at-bats. Chancy slugged another triple, and Clark swatted a double. Heustess and Melvin contributed one hit each to the winners attack.

Clarkton takes a 2-0 record into a home double-header against Tar Heel Thursday.

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