Capt. Jeff Singletary & Jim McVicker
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Bladen County commissioners held their first meeting in the new year Monday evening

Capt. Jeff Singletary and Sheriff Jim McVicker requested approval to declare certain property surplus. Singletary and McVicker were asking for authority to trade in weapons currently being used by the department and deal with a dealer who has a contract with the state to secure new weapons. The request was granted.

The board held a public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a Community Development Block Grant. No one spoke and the board approved.

Jan-MaynerCommissioners approved a request from Jan Maynor, representing the Lumber River Council of Government on behalf of Bladen County to apply for Single Family Grants(SFR).  The request was approved.

The board approved financing for Election Tabulating Equipment for the Board of Elections.  The board ask for bids from area banks. BB&T bid 1.34% with no fees to finance $171,012.

Chris-Ellis-Tim-CainCommissioners heard from Chris Ellis, Tax Administrator and Tim Cain, the manager in charge of the reappraisal, regarding progress. Cain said field work ends this week and values of sales though December 31 will be included in the new values. Plans are to mail the new values near the end of January. Property owners will receive information related to scheduling appeals at the time they receive the new values, for those that wish to appeal.

Bradley KinlawThe Board approved a request from Bradley Kinlaw, Bladen County Fire Marshall, related to a request from the county to the state to transfer ownership of the White Lake Department of Corrections to Bladen County.  The request was approved.  The board also approved a request from Kinlaw to approve reclassification of 2 EMT/Paramedic positions to Firefighter/Paramedic positions.

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