Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingMissed a special event Monday I should have attended. I missed the ribbon cutting at Lloyd Park in Elizabethtown, and I am sorry. The new park is named in honor of Elizabethtown Mayor Pro-tem Rufus Lloyd, a man who has given much as an Elizabethtown city councilman, a long time member of the planning board, and as an educator in the public school system in Bladen County. A great honor for a very deserving individual. The Lloyds, (Mr and Mrs). are good folks. A belated congratulations and THANKS.

I missed it because I forgot. Had had a couple of meetings during the day and forgot to check my calendar.

Mrs. Miriam Clark will be laid to rest today. She has done much, some we are aware of and some we are not, as a good wife, spouse, as a member of Elizabethtown Baptist Church & Campbell University, to name a few. Visitation is at 10 AM today at E-town Baptist with the service at 11 officiated by Rev. Nathan Morton and Dr. Jerry Wallace.

I listen to Rep. Paul Ryan’s speech yesterday on a proposal to re-do our federal tax program, and get it done this calendar year. Thought the stock market would respond positively, it did not. From Ryan’s perspective, must be like ‘herding cats’ and the public is just not sure. We shall see.

Members of both major political parties plead for time for their leaders, but seldom do the same for others. Guess it has always been that way, we forget.

Nothing is more frustrating to me than the disrespect shown by participates and supporters on both sides of the aisle.

‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you’. Doesn’t say politics is excluded. Nothing can cause you to lose a friend quicker than the topic of politics, either party. I no longer talk politics, period. I watch and listen, for a short time before moving on, leave the conversation to the experts (?).

One final comment, a majority of those who have all the answers are seldom elected.

I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. Thomas Jefferson

Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated. Will Rogers

Voters don’t decide issues, they decide who will decide issues. George Will

robert g hester

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