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Kisha Lesane, a Bladen County native started a food journey blog and would like to share her latest post with BladenOnline.com readers. 

Ms. Lesane grew up in Bladen County working in her dad’s restaurant, according to her site. Now Ms. Lesane lives in Georgia and started a blog dedicated to her passion for food and the love and dedication it takes to run a successful restaurant.

Here is Ms. Lesane’s article published on Friday, July 19.

Food Journey Thru Elizabethtown NC

Hey, my butter lovers!!  I know it has been quite a bit since I have taken you guys on a new journey with me. I want to make sure you understand how much  I have truly missed all of you but don’t worry. I am going to make it up to every single one of you by giving you one of my most exciting yet heartwarming posts about where I am from.  This post may just be a little different than what all my readers are used to but well worth the read.


Let me explain a few things first  I will, of course, tell you about some great food because we all know I like to eat, it will be full of great memories but what’s going to make this post special but different will be where all of these great memories take place.  So I am going to pause for just a second so you can go grab some snacks and we can go on this journey together about where I spent my weekend.


To everyone that may be new, to A Pinch Of Butter, my name is Kisha and I am a very passionate food blogger who was raised in a small but impactful quaint country town in North Carolina that is  known for its amazing burgers at a place named Melvin’s plus so many other food establishments that I am going to tell you all about. If you had the pleasure of visiting my favorite country town then  I know you have taken a swim in White Lake which has such beautiful white sands and a waterpark, or if you like walking through nature but still desire to see water then you swing by the State Park Jones Lake or Tory Hole Park where I made many memories with my kids when they were smaller. Now if you have to put a name on this amazing place besides Kisha’ a home town then Elizabethtown NC has a better ring to it.


This week I had the privilege of going back home to visit  Elizabethtown NC for just a few days and I decided what better adventure for all of you then let you in on a place you just may be missing out on. When you first take a look at Elizabethtown you may say oh it’s just like any other small town where everyone knows your name but what you don’t see is the people who make up this town. We have entrepreneurs with heart and determination that range from owning a NightClub, Clothing Line,  Gym Attire, Authors, BailbondsMan, Restaurant/Bakery Owners, Barbershop Owners, Educators that truly care about the kids plus so much more. We also have a town because we are small and quaint everyone considers everyone to be family so no matter what life throws your way you can always swing by someone’s house and grab a bite to eat. Trust me on that fact because on this trip guys I believe I stopped at every house I could think of and ate to my heart was full.  Just a quick memory of growing up in Elizabethtown. I remember always going to my Great Grandmother’s house on Emma Street and she would have a glass dish in the middle of the table and it always had either a slice of pie, cake, hoop cheese or cookies and before you left her house you are guaranteed to hear her say she was “Feeling Fair” After my Great Grandmother gained her angel wings I remember going to both my Grandmother’s houses and they may not have had cake waiting but if you looked like you may have been hungry they would fix you a plate to eat now and one to take home because no one goes hungry no matter who you are. Those are my memories of back home and on this trip, it was one of my first times being back after both Grandma’s gained their angel wings but the tradition still continued every house we stopped by they  still offered me a piece of chicken, a bowl of whatever they were cooking or just a cup of what’s in the fridge.


Before I let you guys go I know I mentioned the restaurants Elizabethtown has to offer well I will not disappoint you guys I am going to just give you a quick list of just the ones I visited on this trip. To be fair there are so many more places to eat and so that I don’t take up too much of your time I am only mentioning just the ones I visited on this particular trip to get another list of the rest you have to keep coming back to A Pinch Of Butter to see part 2.


*Disclaimer I haven’t spoken to any of the business owners listed below before making this post. This is all my personal opinion*


Now without further ado, let’s start with Melvin’s Burgers located right downtown. This place has been a staple of Elizabethtown for as long as I can remember, you know before the football and basketball games at East Bladen( Go Cougars)  but back to my story after eating all the burgers I could carry that was made all the way which if you are not from the south means, mustard, chili, slaw, onion add salt and pepper with hot sauce, made my trip complete. Now Melton’s Chicken is known for well chicken, breakfast, and subs especially the chicken bacon sub.  Christopher Steakhouse is an amazing place for a date night. Burney’s oh my where do I start if a sweet treat and coffee is how you like to start your day than you are headed to the right place because I think my parents hid the croissants from me because every time they walked in the kitchen I was eating one or two.  Giorgio’s Restaurant is an Italian restaurant that will never disappoint everything is amazing from the chef salad, fried fish, pizza and lasagna. Corner Cafe is my Dad’s all-time favorite breakfast place. I knew if I needed to ask my dad something important this is where I would suggest we go first it would always soften him up.  The last but definitely not least place I will mention is Cindy’s Drive-Thru Catering  If you’re looking for Sunday Soulfood any day of the week this is where you need to head and wear loose-fitting pants  (Thank Me Later).


One last thing for the road no matter what restaurant you dine in the sweet tea always has just the right amount of sweetness which yes that makes a difference if you are truly a Southerner and no matter how far I travel Elizabethtown NC will always be home.


If you enjoyed this post about my personal opinions about where I grew up, don’t forget to hit subscribe for my newsletters so you can join my VIP list and be the first to know when A Pinch Of Butter puts up a new recipe or restaurant review.

Your New Favorite Food Blogger
Kisha Lesane

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