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Full-time students who have demonstrated academic achievement at Bladen Community College for the summer 2019 term have been recognized.

Students who have maintained a 4.0 G.P.A. for the term and have been named to the President’s List are Ferrain Abbott, Alyssa Bell, Andrew Bryan, Jody Dyson, Faith Faircloth, Grace Faircloth, Alyssa Farmer, Ashton Goins, Marissa Gonzalez, Letia Hammond, Meg Hargis, Aisha Hearne, Holly Hester, Jarrett Hill, Krisenda Humphrey, Whitney Jackson, Alton Johnson, Seirra Locklear, Tequanna McNeill, Zenobia Spaulding, Mace Velarde, and Darrell Warwick.

Students who have maintained a 3.5 G.P.A. or above for the term and have been named to the Vice President’s List are Royce Bernhardt, MacKenzi Brisson, Kayla Burney, Jennifer Connor, Michelle Dial, Kacy Gunter, Christopher Jacobs, Zachary Johnson, Sandra Maldonado Ortiz, Tykki Mearite, Erika Morales-Baza, Vanessa Nance, Annette Northcutt, and Luke Norton.

For more information about educational and career opportunities at Bladen Community College, call 910-879-5500.

Author: bladenonline

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